How can we help?

No two projects are the same and we recognise that off-the-shelf solutions and methodologies require tailoring to match client requirements.
The below sections describe our capabilities and experience, which we use to assist clients of all sizes, types and industry backgrounds.

2Europe offer a wide range of research services, methodologies and approaches to ensure client
objectives are met.
Upon initial enquiry, we work with a client to understand their business objectives (long and short term), their project objectives, their timings and budget; whilst learning as much as we can about their business.
We then draw on our experience to develop a robust, actionable and insightful research proposal to match their aims.
Research Solutions
The types of project we undertake broadly fall into one of the below categories, but we treat all projects individually and react accordingly to each and every project brief.
Our Research Approaches
We are a full service market research agency. We work with clients in a flexible and transparent manner at affordable prices.
We can research any market, any region, any topic, any sector. We have the experience and resources to handle both local and global projects and work with start-ups through to established corporations.
Quantitative Research
Robust, consistent and reliable methodologies for quantifying the needs, preferences and behaviours of B2B and B2C audiences.
-> Quantitative research provides clients with the insight required to make informed business decisions, and the next step in their campaign, project or strategy.
Secondary / Desk Research
A cost-effective, involved approach to gathering market insights from rich databases and reputable industry sources.
-> Whether you are looking to understand a market opportunity, assess your competitors, enter a new market or launch a product, secondary research is essential in scoping the opportunities.
Project Services
2Europe provide support throughout all our projects to ensure the information gathered is turned into informative and actionable insights.
Using 2Europe frees up your internal resources to focus energy on day-to-day business and ensure you can best use the insights gathered.
1. Research briefings & project design
We will take the time to learn about your business, your solutions, your market and your objectives.
We will work collaboratively with your team to ensure we have a clear understanding of your needs.
We will develop, refine and agree a bespoke research project which will align with your budget, deadlines and expectations.
2. Guide & questionnaire development
Most projects will require us to explore a range of topics, and it is essential to ensure the questionnaire, discussion guide, audit report, etc. align with these topics. If questions do not answer the business objectives, the project will fail.
2Europe will involve the client throughout the questionnaire design process to ensure there is no misunderstanding, whilst also offering fresh insight and thoughts on how to speak to stakeholders.
3. Recruitment & participant management
Projects big and small will inevitably require us to source participants to interview. Through our years of experience, we have gained access to global panels, specific audience networks and developed our own databases of industry experts.
Coupled with accessing any client databases, we ensure every project is conducted with the right audiences - resulting in informative insights.
4. Fieldwork, interviewing & moderation
With projects ranging from large scale quantitative interviews, through long, detailed discussions and observations - it is essential that processes are sound, reliable and suitable for each approach.
Throughout the project, 2Europe Directors are involved; from questionnaire design, checks and testing - through to moderation, observations and UX testing tasks.
All 2Europe staff are trained in MRS and ESOMAR professional moderation techniques.
5. Data processing & analysis
Both primary and secondary research projects will involve the processing of respondent and survey data.
To ensure insights and recommendations made are based on facts, it is essential to ensure the processing and analysis of this information is done correctly and in line with recognised techniques. 2Europe analysts and Directors are trained in these tools - and their involvement throughout ensures the project objectives are always front-of-mind.
6. Report writing, debrief & recommendations
The process of turning data and information into insights is key.
Showcasing statistics and quotes from research studies is easy, but turning that data into actionable insights, and independent recommendations based on detailed understanding of your business, your solutions, your market and your aims - is something which 2Europe pride ourselves in.
7. Implementation & ongoing support
Delivery of insightful reports and robust data does not signal the end of our support.
In some cases there will need to be a stage of implementation or strategy refinement; whilst in others there may be a desire to monitor customers in further research waves.
Regardless of the plan, 2Europe can provide support through further analysis, detailed debriefs to internal stakeholder teams; assistance in turning internal reports into external publications and industry reports and more...
We see ourselves as part of your research team. Your research partners which are on hand to provide support when required.
Industry Experience
We support clients from a range of industries and use our experience to support those operating in other sectors. Whether you are from the target sector or looking to enter it, we can assist.
Software & API - Electronics - Audio & Visual Printing - Scanning - Shredding - Projectors
Office Equipment - Testing Equipment - Equipment Rental and more...
Banking - Insurance - Reinsurance - FinTech
Mortgages - Sharia Finance - Credit Cards
Loans - Investments - Transaction Services
Financial Advice - Pensions and more...
Plant - Industrial - Tooling - Chemicals - Paint
Utilities - Oil & Gas - Water - Equipment Hire
DIY/Consumer Tools - Automotive & OEMs
Specialty Gases - Cylinders and more...
Skills - Certification - Assessments - Contracts
Architecture & Design - Specification
Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil) and more...
Professional Tools & Supplies - Tradespeople
Building Materials - Builders Merchants
DIY - Real Estate - Property investment
Roofing - Walling - Flooring and more...
Office Supplies - Workplace Design
Stationery - Document Management
Security - Employee Services - Employee Management - Supplier Management and more...
Hospitals & Primary Care - Medication Preparation - Infusion - Injection - Wound Care - Elderly Care - Personal Care - Dental
Physician Safety - Patient Safety - Vitamins
Supplements and more...
Drug Development - Drug Management
Administration - New Product Development
Labwork - Blood Tests and more...
Public Sector
Associations & Institutes (engineering, accounting, project management and more)
Central Government - Local Government
Armed Forces and more...
Not for Profit
International Charities - High Street Charities - Foundations - Frontline Care